
Blog posts tagged with "back to school"

Back to School

September 1, 2022

A new school year is here. With it can come anxiety about the unknown, but also comes opportunities for developing problem solving and life skills. One of the best ways to manage anxiety is to get organized. Parents...Work with your children to plan their time. Make a plan for each day about when they will do their schoolwork, when they will do chores, when they will do hobbies or extracurricular activities, and when they will have down time.

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Keywords: back to school

Back to School

August 25, 2021

This school year is starting off with more COVID challenges. There are a couple things we, as parents, need to keep in mind to help ourselves manage the stress and not pass our anxiety on to our kids. The first-to remember is, modeling is the greatest form of teaching... so ANXIOUS PARENTS MAKE ANXIOUS KIDS. This leads to my second point... parents, you need to practice your own mental-health-self-care. Take time every day to talk to your closest friends, read, exercise, or engage in your favorite hobby. By recharging your battery you’ll be able to share your calm with your children.

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Keywords: back to school

August is Back to School Month

August 18, 2021

The 21-22 school year is beginning. This can be a time of anxiety and fear for many. Starting a new grade or at a new school brings many uncertainties. Uncertainty is a part of life. Rather than fear new experiences, learn to manage your anxious thoughts.  Practice expressing your fears out loud or on paper. Journal, write letters, or share your feelings and frustrations with people you trust.  Find new and positive ways to look at the changes ahead. You will get through this and be a stronger, wiser person on the other side. 

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Keywords: august, back to school
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